The Wilshire Hub

safety & COVID protocols

Precautions for staff, tenants and their employees: High risk individuals are advised to stay sheltered pending further instructions from government and health authorities. The elderly and anyone with compromised immunity and/or any health issues are asked not leave home or try to enter the building. Any persons displaying any symptoms should not enter the building at all, including colds, sniffling, fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or loss of smell. Essentially these efforts are to prevent any illnesses in the building, whether a minor cold, allergies or symptoms of a more serious medical issue.

Social distancing: In order to maintain a safer environment within our building, we continue to encourage distancing guidelines of at least 6 feet.

Getting to the building: In order to mitigate exposure to the virus through symptomatic as well as asymptomatic individuals we continue to discourage the use of public transit to get to the building.

Intervention: If an employee or visitor becomes sick during the day, that individual should be separated from others immediately. Our management office will have to be notified. Subsequently building staff will arrange for an open elevator cab to be situated on the same floor for independent use by the sickened individual. Building staff will then provide notification as to when that person should leave for home. They should do so without delay and call their doctor or the nearest medical facility for guidance and/or testing. Even if sick individuals claim that the symptoms are insignificant, these procedures must be followed and the individual sent home. They should leave the building in a manner as to avoid any contact with other coworkers and tenants. They should also be asked to avoid touching any surfaces with their bare hands. Before they leave, building staff will drop of a package including a pair of gloves, a mask and some sanitary wipes. Pending delivery of these supplies the sickened person should remain separate from others. When they are leaving, they should wear the mask and gloves, and/or cover their noses and mouths with a tissue when coughing or sneezing (or an elbow or shoulder if no tissue or mask is available). A supply of disposable wipes will be made available so that commonly used surfaces that were touched by the sick individual (for example, doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desks) can be wiped down. Alternatively, the management office can contract a cleaning to do the sanitation work. Building staff will subsequently sanitize the elevator that was used by the sickened individual before it is put back to normal operation. Other tenants in the building will be notified of the presence of a sickened individual in the building and identify the floor (without naming the person, tenant or suite number).